October Round Up

Life has been busy, busy, busy, but I wanted to do a quick round-up of all the exciting things that happened in October. From school, to engagement parties, to my dad receiving a huge honor for his contributions to emergency medicine, October was a whirlwind. But I would not have it any other way.

Red October

IMG_0507Lets start with school. At WesternU we specifically call October “Red October” because our schedule is insane. We had about 8 unit exams, amongst multiple quizzes, a paper to write, planning PA Day, learning how to give injections, and picking up another class called Interprofessional Education. Phew! At the beginning of the month my stress level was through the roof to say the least. Thinking about all that I had to do was overwhelming. In August I started school taking things month by month. Then the pace of school picked up, so I started focusing week by week so my responsibilities felt more manageable. Well “Red October” hits, and my goal was to take things day by day. Ha. That was really the only way to juggle all that I had to do. Next thing I know the month flew by and mama I made it!

Tylesse’s Engagement Party

Processed with VSCO with a5 presetEven though PA school had me wrapped around its little finger this month, it was still important to me to make time for friends and major moments in life. One of my best friends from college got engaged! Her and her fiancé had a small get together to celebrate their love, and it was perfect. Good food, great company, and just a genuine fun time. Catching up with my friends was much needed as well. At first I wasn’t going to go because I had two exams that week coming up, but then I snapped out of that funk. These events are once in a life time! Even if I have to remind myself 1000 times, taking a few hours off from studying won’t kill me. And to prove that, I did really well on my exams. So if your head is buried in a book right now, don’t forget to take a break. Clearing your mind for a few hours is just as important as getting the pathophysiology behind asthma down. Oh and I will officially be a first time bridesmaid!

ACEP Awards Dinner
Processed with VSCO with a6 presetMy month came to an amazing end in Washington D.C. Hopefully I’ll be moving that way post graduation ha. But on a serious note, on October 28th, 2017 my dad was awarded the James D. Mills award for his contributions to emergency medicine throughout his career as a ER doctor. He was recognized by the  American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), and was nominated by his peers. Needless to say this is a HUGE deal. My father is one of the most humble human beings, especially for all that he has achieved in his life. What inspires me most is his journey and perseverance.  He grew up in the lower socioeconomic area of Dallas, Texas, lost his father at a young age, went to Stanford University for undergrad, then onto Harvard Medical School for his doctorate degree. Yes these are some of the most prestigious schools, but my dad went through it without a mentor and during a time when we didn’t see a lot of minority physicians. Especially African-American physicians. He is such an inspiration to others, and one of the many reasons I chose medicine myself. I could honestly go on and on about this. My dad isn’t the flashy person that needs all of the awards at the end of the day. Simply telling him that I appreciate all that he has done for me as I track my way through PA school and life is enough for him. But seriously congratulations to my father Dr. Wesley Curry MD, no one can do it like you!



Hello, hello


FIRST BLOG POST!! I guess the proper way to kick things off is to give a quick intro about myself. My name is Arielle (pronounced ahhh-ree-elle or how Sebastian says Ariel in The Little Mermaid). I am currently a first year physician assistant student, and got my start in healthcare as a medical scribe. Scribing is one of the best pre-pa experiences in my opinion, because it really solidified that this career was right for me. But more on that later! I live in Southern California, where the weather is great and the traffic always makes you late. Let’s say I can be at the beach in 30 minutes, but with traffic that can turn into a 2 hour trip. The name “Curly Haired PA” came about because 1) I am a PA student, and soon to be practicing PA in two short years! And 2) I have a head full of curly hair that I recently embraced a few years ago.

So another amateur blogger talking about medicine, PA student life, and occasionally curly hair. Well you are right, but I have my reasons with good if not great intentions. Initially I wanted to start a blog about my time in school so I would have something to look back on in 20-30 years and see what I was like “in my prime” as most people like to call their twenties. But after discovering this HUGE community of health care providers online, whether it be doctors, PAs, nurses, NPs, respiratory therapists, etc. I realized I could learn so much from those that have already been through it, collaborate with students going through it, and inspire the future classes of health care providers. Shoutout to social media one time!

I wanted to keep this intro short and sweet, but thank you so much for taking a peek at my page, and joining me on this crazy ride. I hope that you can learn from my journey in both medicine and natural curly hair, and that I can also learn from yours as well. They say “it takes a village,” so let’s do the damn thing!

Talk to you soon,